Concluded study groups

At the first official meeting of the Steering Committee in Kuala Lumpur in June 1994, four Working Groups were established to examine, Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBMs); Concepts of Cooperative and Comprehensive Security; Maritime Cooperation; and the North Pacific. A fifth on Transnational Crime was set up in December 1996 (initially as a Study Group, until its viability was accepted by the Steering Group in December 1997). 

These Working Groups had done substantial work in their respective areas of study, and issued no less than eight Memorandums for the consideration of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and regional governments. Some of their work, such as in the formulation of principles of preventive diplomacy, has been much appreciated by the ARF. Ppers presented at Working Group meetings have also been published in the form of books to add to the general reservoir of knowledge on the relevant security matters.

In December 2004, a restructure of the Working Groups was undertaken to better reflect the changes taking place in the strategic environment and subsequently the following Study Groups were established:

The tenure of each of the study groups is for a period of two years. The above study groups have automatically dissolved upon completion of work or at the end of their tenure and therefore current and newer study groups have been formed with approval from the Steering Committee.

Enhancing Contributions from Asia-Pacific Countries to UN PKO
Maritime Environmental Protection
Harmonising Air and Sea Rescue
Energy Security in the Asia-Pacific
Towards Preventive Diplomacy 
Countering the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Asia Pacific
--Export controls experts group (XCXG)
--Biosecurity expers group (BIOXG)

Preventive Diplomacy

Regional Security Architecture

Principle for Good Order at Sea

Cybersecurity as a central strategy for securing the cyber environment in the Asia Pacific region

Water resources security in mainland Southeast Asia

Multilateral security governance in Northeast Asia/North Pacific

Responsibility to protect
Establishment of regional transnational organised crime hubs in the Asia-Pacific
Naval enhancement in Asia Pacific

Safety and security of off shore oil and gas installations
Security implications of climate change
Facilitating maritime security cooperation in the Asia Pacific
Safety and Security in the Malacca and Singapore Straits
Legal Experts GroupEnergy security
Preventive diplomacy
Enhancing the effectiveness of the campaign against international terrorism with specific reference to the Asia Pacific region
Regional peacekeeping and peacebuilding
Human trafficking

Future prospects for multilateral security frameworks in Northeast Asia

Capacity building for maritime security cooperation in the Asia Pacific