Countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Asia Pacific


US CSCAP and CSCAP Vietnam.


In 2004, the CSCAP WMD Study Group was initiated as a vehicle for raising regional consciousness on important issues related to WMD proliferation. Its primary focus is the creation of an Asia Pacific Handbook and Action Plan to Prevent WMD Proliferation.

The threat posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is a growing international security concern. At global forums, such as the United Nations and the Group of Eight leading industrialised powers, and regional meetings, such as the APEC Leaders Summit, ASEAN summits and related multilateral meetings, leaders routinely call for greater counter proliferation and non-proliferation efforts. International action has been galvanised by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540, which called on member nations to take concrete action to help stem the proliferation of WMD. In addition, the U.S. has organised a "coalition of the willing" through the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) to supplement national and international efforts in this field. Study continues on ways to close loopholes in the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and shut down the international black market in nuclear materials, components, and know-how. Finally, the crisis surrounding North Korea's alleged nuclear weapons programs provides an immediate challenge to the Asia-Pacific region when considering the WMD threat.

Specific agenda

In biannual meetings, this Study Group is also examining regional attitudes toward the Proliferation Security Initiative and other counter-proliferation efforts and regimes, the prospects for the Six-Party Talks and potential means for facilitating the Korean Peninsula denuclearization process, regional threat perceptions and security outlooks, missile proliferation, and ballistic missile defense.


To further develop specific recommendations for regional governments' consideration and for inclusion into the overall Action Plan.


This Study Group has held the following meetings.

18th Meeting: 7 July 2014, Tokyo, Japan

Download the Chairman's report and Key Findings.

Handbook on Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Asia-Pacific, 2013.

17th Meeting: 2-3 June 2013, Manila, The Philippines
Download the Chairmen's report and presentations made to the meeting.

16th Meeting: 6-8 November 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Download the Chairmen's report.

At the 37th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 31 May 2012 a Memorandum produced by this Study Group on Nonproliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction was approved. Download Memorandum No.22.

15th Meeting: 6-7 March 2012, Sydney, Australia
Download the Chairmen's report.

At the 36th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 20 November 2011 a Memorandum produced by this Study Group on Reduction and Elimination of Nuclear Weapons was approved. Download Memorandum No.19.

14th Meeting: 18-19 November 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam
Download the Chairmen's report.

At the 35th Steering Committee Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 2 June 2011 a Memorandum produced by this Study Group on Promoting the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Engergy was approved. Download Memorandum No.17 and the cover note.

13th Meeting: 21-22 February 2011, United States of America
Download the Chairmen's report.

This study group has been working on a Handbook on Preventing the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Asia-Pacific. To view the revised final CSCAP Handbook (as at December 2010) click here

12th Meeting: 16-17 December 2010, Vietnam
Download the Chairmen's report.

11th Meeting: 2-3 July 2010, Singapore
Download the Chairmen's report.

10th Meeting: 7-8 December 2009, Hanoi, Vietnam
Download the Chairmen's report.

9th Meeting: 29-30 June 2009, Beijing, China
Download the Chairmen's report.

8th Meeting: 23-24 January 2009, Bangkok, Thailand
Download the Chairmen's report.

7th Meeting: 26-27 May 2008, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Download the Chairmen's report.

6th Meeting: 9-10 December 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Download the Chairmen's report.

5th Meeting: 11-13 February 2007, San Francisco, USA.
Download the Chairmen's report.

4th Meeting: 27-29 November 2006, Danang, Vietnam.
Download the Chairmen's report.

3rd Meeting: 26-27 March 2006, Singapore.
Download the Chairmen's report.

2nd Meeting: 2-3 December 2005, Manila Philippines.
Download the Chairmen's report.

1st Meeting: 27-28 May 2005, Singapore.
Download the Chairmen's report.