Preventive diplomacy

This study group is no longer active.


US CSCAP and CSCAP Singapore

In 2001, the 8th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) agreed on the concept and principles of preventive diplomacy (PD), drawing heavily from a document provided to the ARF by the CSCAP Working Group on Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBMs). The 9th ARF (2002) agreed to "provide substantive follow-up to the Paper on Concept and Principles of Preventive Diplomacy adopted [the previous year]" as pat of the set of agreements constituting the Future Direction for the ARF. At the 13th ARF in 2005, the group "looked forward to the development of concrete measures in PD".

The ARF Inter-sessional Support Groups (ISGs) continue to emphasize the need to further study PD and to develop more specific recommendations and policies for governments to adopt. As part of this effort, the ARF will reportedly commission a study on Preventive Diplomacy to assess progress to date.

The Study Group considered best practices and lessons learned by selected international and regional organizations in direct support of an ARF-proposed examination of PD. It drew from the work of the (now concluded) CSCAP CSBM Working Group and focused its discussions to relate to the subsequent ARF seminar of a similar focus.

This study group held a one-off meeting on 30-31 October 2007 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei.

Download the Chairmens report.