Principle for good order at sea


CSCAP Singapore, CSCAP Indonesia, and CSCAP New Zealand


Previous CSCAP Study groups had done substantial work on maritime security in the Asia Pacific. The outcome of these Study Groups produced various CSCAP Memorandum focusing on regional cooperation and capacity building. The last of the series, co-chaired by CSCAP China, CSCAP Indian and CSCAP Japan, looked at the topic of Naval Enhancement in the Asia Pacific.

Recent developments in regional waters still indicate a general lack of good order at sea. The proposal for another Study Group related to maritime security seeks to focus on developing principles that should be considered to overcome current lack of good order at sea, supplement findings and recommendations of previous Study Groups, emphasizing on confidence building measures (CBMs), information sharing, and the need to enhance regional maritime domain awareness.

As a guiding definition, Good order at Sea ensures the safety and security of shipping and permits countries to pursue their maritime interests and develop their marine resources in an ecologically sustainable and peaceful manner in accordance with international law. Hence, a lack of good order at sea is evident if there is illegal activity at sea or inadequate arrangements for the safety and security of shipping.

Specific agenda

As the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) looks to CSCAP for inputs from time to time, this new Study Group aims to contribute towards the ARF ISM on Maritime Security series, as the main framework for developing a regionally institutionalized approach to good order at sea. The 4th ARF ISM will be convened in April 2013. Along with the ARF ISM, there are also two other forums focusing on maritime security issues, namely, the ASEAN Maritime Forum and the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting (ADMM) Plus Experts Working Group on Maritime Security.


To flesh-out maritime security issues which CSCAP may want to focus on. It may result in a memorandum that covers an overarching area of concerns, which is within CSCAP's competency to deal with and also identify the need for study groups on specific issues.


This study group has held the following meetings.

CSCAP Memorandum No.25 - Maritime CBMs, Trust and Managing Incidents at Sea. This memorandum was produced by the CSCAP Study Group on Principles for Good Order at Sea and was approved by the 41st CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 5 June 2014.

CSCAP Memorandum No. 24 - Safety and Security of Vital Undersea Communications infratructure This memorandum was produced by the CSCAP Experts Group on Vital Undersea Communications Infrastructure, a sub-group of the CSCAP Study Group on Principles for Good Order at Sea and was approved by the out of session CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting via electronic consultation on 21 May 2014.

2nd Meeting: 18-19 February 2014, Indonesia
Download the Co-Chair's report.

1st Meeting: 7-8 June 2013, Singapore
Download the Co-Chair's report