Naval enhancement in the Asia Pacific

The work of this Study Group has been completed.


CSCAP China, CSCAP India and CSCAP Japan


This Study Group proposes to address issues arising from the enhancement of capacities/capabilities of maritime security forces, (both Navies and Coast Guards), in the Asia-Pacific region.

The role of Maritime Security forces in the Asia-Pacific region has undergone a significant change over the last decade or so. Entrusted with a pivotal position in the regional/coastal maritime security calculus, maritime security forces are in the process of evolving with enhanced capacities, improved capabilities and inventorial assets. The growth trajectories of most regional economies during the last decade or so, have generally (with some exceptions) led to a simultaneous rise in defence budgets particularly the budgetary allocations to maritime forces. Countries previously bereft of agencies like the Coast Guard have established such an organisation, simultaneously, those with existing Coast Guards have sought to enhance their efficacy and capability. Contextually, with this evolving paradigm the deployment patterns of such security forces have also been altered extensively. Prima facie maritime security forces are being used more often to support humanitarian relief missions beyond national waters, leveraging confidence-building measures and for projecting maritime influence.

Specific agenda

The specific agenda of this Study Group will be to:


The outcome of the Study Group will be a short CSCAP Memorandum on the topic of naval enhancement in the region. An edited book of the papers presented at meetings of the Study Group might also be considered.


This Study Group has held the following meetings.

At the 37th CSCAP Steering Committee Meeting in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia on 31 May 2012 a Memorandum produced by this Study Group on Implications of Naval Enhancement in the Asia Pacific was approved. Download Memorandum No.21.

3rd Meeting: 16-17 May 2011 in Qingdao, People's Republic of China.
2nd Meeting: 26-28 March 2010 in Auckland, New Zealand. Click here to view photos from this meeting.
1st Meeting: May 2009 in Singapore