Regional peacekeeping and peacebuilding

This study group is no longer active.


CSCAP Canada and CSCAP Indonesia


Two major developments have marked the evolution of international peace operations in the last decade. First, peacekeeping missions aimed at maintaining a cease-fire between combatants have become intertwined with a much broader peace-building operatons intended to address the underlying social, economic, and political causes of conflict. Second, current operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have set in motion wide-ranging debates regarding the forms of multilateralism and international support, the notions of national sovereignty, and the definitions of success, as they relate to peacekeeping and peace-building missions. These issues are important for the Asia Pacific region. Many regional countries are active participants in peacekeeping operations around the globe. There have also been peacekeeping operations within the region, most notably the missions in Cambodia (1992-1993) and East Timor (October 1999 - May 2002). These included significant contributions of military and police personnel from a wide range of Asia Pacific countries. Moreover, there has been renewed interest within the region about the possible development of an ASEAN Peacekeeping Force. This was proposed by Indonesia in March 2004 and discussed by ASEAN Foreign Ministers at Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Specific agenda

The study group on Regional Peacekeeping and Peace-building focused on four issues:

  1. changes and continuities in the peacekeeping and peace-building doctrines of regional states
  2. concepts and policies that should drive regional engagement of issues of peacekeeping and peace-building;
  3. regional initiatives on peacekeeping; and
  4. 'lessons learned' from peacekeeping operations both within and outside the region.


Upon completion of its final meeting, this study group produced an Executive Summary outlining four policy recommendations:

  1. the establishment of an Asian association of peacekeeping training centres;
  2. the creation of a consultative mechanism within the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) on matters related to peacekeeping and peace-building;
  3. the development of a Peace-building and Reconstruction Program within the ASEAN Secretariat; and
  4. the promotion of continuing dialogue witin regional humanitarian and civilian actors involved in peace support operations.


3rd Meeting: 7-9 December 2006, New Delhi, India
Download the meeting report.

2nd Meeting: 11-12 March 2006, Vancouver, Canada
Download the meeting report.

1st Meeting: 11-12 February 2005, Bali, Indonesia
Download the meeting report.