Nuclear Energy Experts Group (NEEG)




Reconvening of the Nuclear Energy Experts Group was considered appropriate in view of the so-called "nuclear renaissance" in Asia. With several countries in the region in the process of developing energy alternatives that include nuclear power and others (save Japan) seemingly intent on expanding their nuclear energy programs despite the concerns raised by the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tragedy, greater transparency and confidence-building measures appear vital.

The NEEG had previously met about a dozen times between 1998 - 2003, where it conducted groundbreaking work on nuclear energy safety, security, and transparency.

Specific agenda

The goal of the NEEG is to serve as a multilateral forum to discuss methods and processes to develop and manage nuclear energy programs in a safe, secure, and proliferation-resistant manner. It is neither pro- nor anti-nuclear energy per se.

The NEEG will examine and develop recommendations on how both states and regional organizations and initiatives can assist Asian states in ensuring the safe, secure, and proliferation-resistant development and management of nuclear power programs.


This Experts Group has held the following meetings.

6th Meeting: 27-28 February 2017, Singapore
Download the meeting report.

5th Meeting: 19-20 September 2016, Singapore
Download the meeting report.

4th Meeting: 15-16 October 2015, Singapore
Download the meeting report.

3rd Meeting: 29-30 October 2014, Bangkok
Download the meeting report.

2nd Meeting: 11-12 November 2013, Vietnam
Download the meeting report.

1st Meeting: 9-10 November 2012, Vietnam
Download the meeting report and the key findings.