General conference reports

The biannual CSCAP General Conference is designed to be an international forum where high ranking officials and security experts from the Asia Pacific region meet every two years to discuss security issues of relevance and to seek new ideas in response to evolving developments in the Asia Pacific security. The forum is usually attended by approximately 250 participants that makes it one of the largest gatherings of its kind.


11th CSCAP General Conference: 14-15 December 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand. The theme of the conference was "Ensuring a Peaceful Evolution of Regional Security Order in the Asia-Pacific". The conference was hosted by CSCAP Thailand, with the support from The Asia Foundation and the CSCAP Secretariat. Download the conference report.

10th CSCAP General Conference: 22 October 2015, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The theme of the conference was "Confidence Building in the Asia-Pacific: The Security Architecture of the 21st Century". The conference was hosted by CSCAP Mongolia, with the support from various CSCAP member committees, especially CSCAP-China, The Asia Foundation, and the CSCAP Secretariat. Download the conference report and the welcoming remarks by Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa, CSCAP Co-Chair. 

9th CSCAP General Conference: 2-4 December 2013, Beijing, China. The theme of the conference was "Prioritizing Mutual Trust and Win-Win Cooperation" The conference was hosted by CSCAP China, with the support from various CSCAP member committees, especially AUS-CSCAP, CSCAP Indonesia, CSCAP New Zealand, the CSCAP Secretariat and the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS). Download the conference report

8th CSCAP General Conference: 21-22 November 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam. The theme of the conference was "Dangers and Dilemmas: Will the new Regional Security Architecture help?" The conference was hosted by CSCAP Vietnam, with the support from AUS-CSCAP, CSCAP Singapore, CSCAP Japan, CSCAP China and CSCAP New Zealand. Download the conference report and the opening remarks by Dr Dalchoong Kim, Co-Chair of CSCAP.


7th CSCAP General Conference: 16-18 November 2009, Jakarta, Indonesia.
The theme of the conference was "New Challenges to Asia Pacific Security". The conference was hosted by CSCAP Indonesia, with the support from AUS-CSCAP, CSCAP China, CSCAP Japan and CSCAP Singapore. Download the conference report and
the address by H.E. Dr Marty Natalegawa, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Indonesia.


6th CSCAP General Conference: 7-8 December 2007, Jakarta, Indonesia
The theme of the conference was "Great Power Relations and Regional Institution Building in Pacific Asia". It was hosted by CSCAP Indonesia, with the support from AUS CSCAP, CSCAP Japan, CSCAP Singapore, and CSCAP China. Download the conference report.


5th CSCAP General Conference: 6-7 December 2005, Jakarta, Indonesia
The theme of the conference was "Addressing Emerging Security Challenges in the Asia Pacific Region". It was hosted by CSCAP Indonesia, with the support from AUS CSCAP, CSCAP Japan, and CSCAP Canada. Download the conference report.


4th CSCAP General Conference: 7-9 December 2003, Jakarta, Indonesia
The theme of the conference was "Strategic Security Outlook in the Asia Pacific". It was hosted by CSCAP Indonesia, with the support from AUS CSCAP, CSCAP Canada and CSCAP Japan. Download the conference report and the luncheon speech by the Australian Foreign Minister, The Hon. Alexander Downer, MP.


3rd CSCAP General Conference: December 2001


2nd CSCAP General Conference: 4 December 1999, Seoul, Korea
The theme of the conference was "Asia-Pacific Security in the New Millennium and the Role of CSCAP". It was hosted by CSCAP Korea, with the support from CSCAP Malaysia. Download the participant's report.


1st CSCAP General Conference was held in December 1997